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Hi! I'm Kelsey

Thanks for joining me on this page. I am a teacher turned stay-at-home mom. My husband and I live in a tiny town in Kansas where we are raising our six children. 


Some of my favorite things: the sounds of my kids’ voices as they play together, caramel-flavored coffee, playing cards and games at the kitchen table, cooking, and Sunday afternoon naps.


Things I don’t like so much: the sounds of my kids’ voices when they fight, the words “not fair” or “not my fault,” scary movies, doing nothing, the cold, and mice.


I didn’t set out to be a writer. It was never really on the long list of careers I navigated my way through as a teenager. I’ve always been the journaling, letter-writing type, but my writing was mostly for me. The more I read my Bible, the more I wrote. Soon, I had notebooks full of thoughts and reflections on the passages I had been reading. God has taken my weird excitement about grammar, my interest in words, and my love for Him and planted a purpose in my heart I didn’t know was there. I find that writing brings me joy with or without an audience. I put my words here as an opportunity to share what the Lord is doing in my life and allow Him to reach others with it.


Above all, I hope you find Jesus in this place. I hope you see Him in the words I write and the life I live. When you come here, I pray that you feel encouraged, supported, less alone, and closer to our Lord.


Thank you for joining me on this journey to love our Lord.


With love,



My Testimony

In the spring of 2018, our pastor approached me about sharing my testimony during the service. Now, to me, the word testimony was Christianese for share the exact moment (including the date and time) when you were moved to accept Jesus as your personal Savior. Testimonies included church camp moments, men and women brought to their knees by devastation on a cold, hard floor where they wept as they prayed, or some other form of an “aha” moment. 

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