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  • Writer's pictureKelsey Scism

A big God who cares about the little things.

Updated: May 3, 2021

"Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you." 1 Peter 5:7

Does God care about whether or not I get my kids to soccer practice on time? Does He care about my to-do list and what is left unchecked at the end of the day? Does it matter to Him that things at work are busy and stressful? Or that the laundry was left unfolded, again? Is it worth my time to pray about these little things that are so insignificant in the grand scheme of life? Shouldn’t I, instead, focus my prayers on the big stuff? A cure for cancer, missionaries, guidance in life decisions, my children. So. Much. Big. Stuff. There is no way God has time for all the little details of my life.

I feel that way so often, and I’m guessing you have, too.

But I want you to know, that we serve a big God, who cares about the little things. We were created by a God who designed us with the details in mind.

In Luke chapter 12, Jesus is teaching on the authority of God and His power over all things. He says, “even the hairs of your head are all numbered” (verse 7, ESV). Don’t tell me God doesn’t care about the little details of our lives—He has numbered the hairs on our heads.

With a head full of crazy, curly hair like mine, that’s a bold statement. Each morning, I find enough hair to clog the drain in my shower and possibly Hoover Dam. And it doesn’t stop there. If I wear my hair down, I am constantly pulling stray strands off my shirt. I couldn’t count the number of hairs that fall from my head each day, let alone the total number on my head. And our God is aware of BOTH. If He knows the number of hairs on our heads, that means He knows what we begin with, how many we lose, and the grand total at the end of the day.

If God is willing to pay this much attention to our hair, don’t you think He cares about soccer practice, our to-do list, and even our laundry? He does. And not only does He know about all these things, but He desires for us to bring them all to Him. 1 Peter 5:7 reads, “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you” (NLT,  emphasis mine). He cares about the number of hairs on our heads. He cares about our worries and troubles, our suffering, our disappointment, our stress, our schedules, our to-do list, and our work.

We can have confidence that God cares because His Word tells us He does. We can take even the little things to Him in prayer because Scripture commands us to give them to Him.

Friends, we don’t have to do the daily details alone. Our Lord desires to be at our sides, as we walk, trudge, sprint, or crawl through our days.

I challenge you this week to pray about the little things. This doesn’t have to be some formal, on my knees, recited words kind of prayer, but instead, let’s make it a call from our heart straight to the Lord. A simple, “Lord, I need You.” A frantic, “God, I can’t handle this stress, this mess, but I know You can.” A grateful, “God, You are good and I know You love me. Thank you.”

Let’s insert little prayers throughout our day about the little things and watch our big God work because He cares.


I know you care about the little details of my life. You said so in your Word. Help me give ALL my worries and cares to you. Thank you for loving me, for caring for me, and for paying attention to even the little details.

In Jesus' Name,


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1 comentario

22 feb 2023

Thank you for your inspiring words. God, he is always there for us.

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