Jesus knew. He knew and, still, He went.
Jesus knew that entering Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover would lead him into the city where He would be led to death. And, still, He went.
Jesus knew the Passover would be the final meal he would share with his beloved disciples, that he would have to say goodbye knowing the pain and confusion they would endure because of his death. And, still, He went.
Jesus knew the exact spot inside the Garden of Gethsemane where Judas, who He had poured into and loved and taught, would betray him with a kiss. And, still, He went.
Jesus knew that the same people who had shouted “Hosanna!” as He rode through the streets would gather to shout “Crucify Him!” And, still, He went.
Jesus knew even his disciples would give in to the fears of the flesh and deny they knew him. And, still, He went.
Jesus knew the physical pain that awaited him—the crown of thorns, the whipping, the beating, the spitting, the pounding of the nails. And, still, He went.
Jesus knew the extent of God’s wrath and the extreme weight he would bear as he became the sins of the world, a sacrifice bearing the punishment of every sinner for all of time. And, still, He went.
Jesus knew the reality of his impending crucifixion and the physical, emotional, and spiritual pain he would endure. And, still, He went.
Friends, do you realize just how great Christ’s love is for you? I hope the reality of this love would sink deep into your heart. I hope your soul would feel its worth, knowing that Jesus WILLINGLY carried your sins to the cross so that you might be seen as righteous in his Father’s eyes, so that you might have a personal and intimate relationship with him.
Jesus knew YOU—he knew your sins, your mistakes, your failures, your desperate need for a savior. And, still, He went.