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Praising God Even When I Don't Feel Like It

Writer's picture: Kelsey ScismKelsey Scism

I need to read this verse every morning. I need to speak it aloud and recite it in my thoughts until my heart feels it.

Sometimes, I let things of this life become my god—people-pleasing, wealth, comforts, my happiness. And then I work for them instead of serving my God.

Sometimes, I don’t want to exalt Him and praise His name. I don’t want to look for the good when it’s surrounded by ugliness. And so I sit in my own despair.

Sometimes, I forget about His faithfulness in the past when the present feels so heavy. I forget the wonderful things He has done and struggle to remember that He has wonderful things planned. And my eyes and heart stay fixed in the present, in the hard.

But following God isn’t about my feelings. It’s about showing up every day to do life with the God who has shown up for me. Shown up on a cross to forgive the very heart that fights and forgets Him.

And so I will say . . .

Lord, You are my God.

When the idols of this life try to overshadow You, help me turn my eyes back to You.

I will exalt You and praise You.

When I don’t feel like it, send the Holy Spirit to fill my heart with worship.

For in perfect faithfulness You have done wonderful things, things planned long ago.

When life is hard and the good feels scarce, help me earnestly look for it.

Despite my circumstances, despite my feelings, help me show up.

In Your will, through Your power, and for Your glory,


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