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These Heavy Days Are Not the End

Writer's picture: Kelsey ScismKelsey Scism
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. (2 Corinthians 4:16-17, NIV)

I’m going to be honest here. These days are heavy and sometimes they feel like too much. This world is hard and confusing and exhausting and, at times, down right mean. And on those heavy days when my heart focuses on all the negative that is in our world right now, I want to pack up my family and move to a remote island. I want to build a Swiss Family Robinson style treehouse and live off tropical fruit and wild boars. I want to get away from the soul-draining, heart-breaking, mind-boggling world we live in.

But I can’t. This reality exists everywhere, there is no escape.

So I cry a little (or a lot), send an honest text to a friend, and confess my struggle to my husband. Then I go back to the work God has called me to in this season, trusting He has a purpose for me, even in this.

And you know what happens? I survive. And sometimes, I do more than that—enjoying the moments even in the middle of this weary world. I am reminded that not every day is this heavy.

Friends, I know you experience these heavy days, too. I know you cry, and struggle, and question what God is doing. We all do. Because we were not created for this life alone.

But even when we feel like we are wasting away, we do not lose heart, we do not give up. And it’s not by our own strength. No. We are being renewed day by day. We are not renewing ourselves. Our God who created us for this specific time period . . . He is renewing us. He gives us strength, and He gives us moments of joy in the midst of sorrow and chaos.

And friends, these days, these struggles . . . some day, they will feel light and momentary. Some day, our joy will be eternal, God’s glory will reign forever, and these heavy days will be outweighed by an eternity spent with our Savior.

Hang in there, friends. Focus on what’s coming, not in this world or this lifetime, but on the eternal glory of some day.

Graphic with Bible verse

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