Why does help feel like a four-letter word? A word we whisper but rarely say aloud. A word we avoid until every last piece of the facade of strength has been stripped away. A word we kindly and genuinely offer . . . but struggle to accept.
Any and every time we need help, God has promised that He will provide. I truly believe He IS our help—the first place we should go when helplessness threatens to drown us.
And while I believe God IS our help, our eternal source of strength and power, I also believe He sends help to us in earthly and human forms. But so many times, we are too blind to see that it comes from Him. Or we’re too stubborn to accept the gift He puts in front of us. Or we’re too proud to allow His help to be delivered by other mortals.
Sometimes, we hide our need for help because we fear that allowing others to see it would scare them off or make them pity us. Sometimes our need for help is buried so deeply that we might not even recognize it ourselves.
But you cannot hide your needs from God.
He sees every single one of them even if you have buried them deeply and refuse to say them aloud. Your silent whisper for help from somewhere deep inside is like a shout to His ears. And because He is your help, He will answer your cry—He will provide the help you need.
Help in the form of a friend offering to bring a meal or watch the kids or sit with you while we fold laundry.
Help in the form of a family member reaching out and recognizing the struggles that weigh you down.
Help in the form of an anonymous gift.
Help in the form of mental health professionals and modern medicine to support your body when your natural system is a little off.
Help in the form of kindness from a stranger.
Help in the form of someone simply willing to listen without judgment.
Friend, if you feel that need for help deep down in your soul but can’t seem to speak the word aloud, whisper it in prayer.
Ask God for eyes to see the help He has planned. Ask Him to remove all stubbornness and pride that blind you and ask Him instead to reveal the beauty in the help He wants to give. Ask Him to open your heart to the blessing of help and for the courage to accept it.
Father God,
I don’t know why it’s so hard to ask for and accept help. I know this reluctance is often rooted in my sinful stubbornness and pride. Father, remove those things from my heart. Help me fight the temptation to hide my needs and refuse the help and love of those around me. Thank you for your gift of help in every situation. Help me clearly see the many forms of help you’ve set before me and to open my hands and my heart to what you have provided. Thank you for being my eternal help through the gift of salvation, help me accept earthly help as another gift from you.
In Your will, through Your power, and for Your glory,