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  • Writer's pictureKelsey Scism

In need of a little help that only the Holy Spirit can provide

Updated: May 28, 2021

"But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you."

John 14:26

From one season of chaos to the next, we move. From baseball practice to soccer, from fair projects to school, from weekend trips to weekend catch-up lists. Same chaos, new calendar. And this time, bedtimes and alarm clocks are crucial. Looking at my packed schedule for the week, I began to feel overwhelmed. I cannot physically be in two places at once, nor can I cook the meal while at the practice. (Though the slow cooker has reclaimed its permanent place on my kitchen counter.) This new season of chaos leaves me in need of a little help.

Wouldn’t it be amazing to have a helper, a personal assistant? Someone willing to do all the things I can’t fit into my schedule. Actually, if I’m honest, someone to do all the things I’d rather not. Though I don’t have the resources necessary to hire such a helper, my dreaming does make me aware of the One I do have.

In the middle of chaos, my to-do list is not the only thing that suffers neglect. My soul is in need of a little help, too.

When I start squeezing the minutes to get the most out of them, often the first thing that drips out is spending time with my Lord.

I know He commands me to be still and spend time with Him. I know He desires my heart and my attention. But there are just so many other things.

Thankfully, though, the Lord already knows my needs and He has the resources to provide for them. In John 14:26 as Jesus prepared the disciples for His impending death on the cross, He said, “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you” (ESV).

Did you hear that? We already have a Helper, sent by God. No, this Helper will not finish up our to-do lists, but He will focus our hearts and draw us nearer to the Lord. He will teach us to look for God’s work in our lives and remind us of the work the cross has already done. The psalmist puts it this way, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1, emphasis mine).  

What do you need from your Helper in this season?

Are you in constant motion, desperately seeking a place of stillness and safety?

Let God be your refuge.

Are you feeling run-down, weak, exhausted from doing all the things?

Let God be your strength.

Do you feel confused, searching for God’s purpose in your current circumstances?

Let the Helper teach you.

Have you forgotten who you are, a child of God created to do His work on this earth?

Let the Holy Spirit remind you.

No matter what you are facing, I pray you see your Helper nearby. Hand Him all you can’t handle. Reach out for His help and watch Him work.


I need help. I cannot do this season of life without You. Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to live within me and be my Helper. Please open my eyes and my heart to You. Help me be reminded to schedule time with You no matter how full my calendar gets. Thank You for the amazing gift of salvation that allows me to do life with You by my side.

In Jesus' Name,



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