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  • Writer's pictureKelsey Scism

The Devil Wins When We’re Too Busy

Updated: May 26, 2021

I need to confess something: I’ve been letting the devil win.

I’ve been reading my Bible regularly (in fact, I’m on day 118 of the Bible in one year plan). I’ve been praying over my family and our decisions and praying for people in our community. We’re doing a family study at lunchtime over the character of God. I’ve been noticing God’s work in my life daily. I’ve been confessing my sins (which seem to multiply with all the kids home for summer) and seeking the Lord’s forgiveness. All of those things: reading the Bible, spending time in prayer, family devotion, repentance, they all sound so beautifully Christian.

And, still, I’ve been letting the devil win.

In the past month, I’ve closed the door on a classroom and pushed through the first weeks of summer. We’ve already taken a short family trip, adjusted our routine, and settled into a ball game almost every night schedule. I have been moving at a frantic pace: preparing meals, cleaning up messes, washing dirty faces, folding laundry, packing ball-field picnics, driving kids to this and that—there is always something. My main focus has been on serving my family and meeting their needs.

And, yet, I’ve been letting the devil win.

You see, the devil wins because I have been too busy and wrapped up in myself that I’ve forgotten to look outward at what the Lord has called me to do. Paul tells the Thessalonians to “…encourage one another and build each other up…” (1 Thessalonians 5:11). And that’s where my confession comes in. I’ve been neglecting you. I haven’t been encouraging you, building you up, and sharing God’s truth and love through this page. God has been urging me to do all of these things, but I’ve remained silent.

And in my silence, I’ve been letting the devil win.

I’ve been using my busy life as an excuse. Because my hands have been busy, I’ve avoided placing my fingertips on this keyboard. The busier I become, the more I avoid the places God has asked me to show up and work for Him.

And I’ve been letting the devil win.

It’s interesting how that happens. How we can be doing all the Christian “stuff” but not for God’s glory.

How we can serve others as Christ commanded but do it out of obligation instead of love. How we can have busy hands, but they don’t reflect the work the Lord has called them to. We can do all the “right” things.

But still, the devil wins.

We’re not destroying God’s kingdom through disobedience and sin, but we are failing to advance it. Though we may not be promoting the devil’s agenda, we are not pushing our Lord’s. We are walking with the Lord but not encouraging others to do the same.

The devil wins when we become too busy to pursue the purpose God has placed in our hearts.

Have you been too busy? Is there something you’ve been neglecting? Have you felt God pushing you to reach out, serve, share, speak, move, but you’ve been hesitant? Is the busyness of your own life acting as an excuse to ignore what the Lord has called you to? Are you, like me, letting the devil win?

Together, let’s be intentional about our work for the Lord. Let’s stop ignoring what He is asking us to do.

We can’t let our full schedules keep us from fulfilling God’s purposes in our lives—even when those schedules are full of good things.

Let’s stop letting the devil win.


I confess that my inactivity for You has allowed the devil to win. I need Your help to stay focused on the purpose You have designed me for. I want You to win Lord. I want You to use me to advance Your kingdom. Show me how. Make it clear. Help me stop making excuses and work hard for You. Thank You for not giving up on me. Thank you for Your unfailing and unconditional love. Help me serve You well.

In Jesus’ Name,


1 Comment

Oct 12, 2021

This is so human. I'm so guilty. Thank you for hitting the nail on the head.

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